The UK Health and Safety Executive are concerned that safety should be as much a key aspect in design as it is during construction and operation. They would like designers to be aware of the risks that may result from design decisions taken. This means making health and safety guidance readily available to designers and in a manner that promotes…
April 2002 — Sun Microsystems published a Success Story world-wide on a project implemented by novaSPRINT using SUN Microsystems Products and Technologies. “The electronic submission product designed by novaSPRINT and the infrastructure platform provided by Sun allows us to manage the processing of electronic plans and documents effectively”, said Mr Cheng Tai Fatt, project manager of the CORENET eSubmission system….
January 2002 — The Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore has awarded a contract to novaCITYNETS, valued at close to US$1.4 million. This contract calls for the effort to implement a secured Internet-based system to cater for Vehicle Inspection and Type Approval System (VITAS) for LTA. This project uses novaCITYNETS’ PAVO™ as the underlying product for development of an integrated…
November 2001 — The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore has launched a flagship project, CORENET e-Submission here, for the building and construction industry in Baucon – Asia 2001. Baucon – Asia is a regional trade exhitibtion for the construction industry organized once every 2 years, and this exhibition is jointly organized by the BCA, the Singapore Institute of…
June 2001 – The Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) has awarded a contract valued close to US$480,000 to novaCITYNETS, to implement an Internet-based Plan Endorsement and Approval System (PEAS) Software Application system, which will integrate with Singapore’s CORENET e-Submission system. (see nova NEWS October 2000). This project uses novaCITYNETS PAVO™ as the underlying product for development of an integrated system for…
18 Dec 2000 — novaHEALTH officially renews its organisational membership with Health Level Seven (HL7), one of several ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) operating in the healthcare arena. Most SDOs produce standards (sometimes called specifications or protocols) for a particular healthcare domain such as pharmacy, medical devices, imaging or insurance (claims processing) transactions. Health Level Seven’s domain is clinical and…
10 October 2000 — The Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (BCA) has awarded two contracts worth a total of US$3.8 million (S$6.6 million) to SGX-ST mainboard aspirant, novaSPRINT Pte Ltd, a leading developer and implementer of proprietary industry-focused e-Business solutions. The first contract for US$2.25 million is to build the Integrated Plans Checking Systems for Building Plans and Building…